Alamo Area Birth Doula
Your Support During Labor

Indira, an ER Doctor , was thrilled to have the support of her husband and I for the delivery of her two sweet boys, Nathan and Joshua. The continuous emotional support and calm atmosphere were what the Doctor ordered. I'll be there for the delivery of her third son in July.

Lea-Ann appreciated the continuous support and pampering while her husband, an Air Force Nurse, commented that he was so glad to have their Doula with them for her VBAC. She had an intense, yet quick medication free birth, and accomplished her goal of not having another C-Section. Baby Micah's look towards his mother says it all!

Christina, an Air Force Fighter Pilot, was thankful to have her husband Aaron, also an Air Force Pilot, and Doula support at home using the Bradley, husband coached method, until she was just about ready to deliver Aaliyah. She appreciated the accupressure techniques to get her labor going and for pain management. I supported her at the birth of her first born, Asher, as well.

Andrea was my first Operation Special Delivery client. Her blood pressure was high when she arrived in triage. After I had been there for a short while, it started going down and remained stable throughout the Birth process. Here she is right after the birth of Alana, talking to her husband, who was in Iraq. She said: "Susan, not only am I thankful to have had a Doula, I am thankful that I had you." The pleasure was all mine!

Keri's husband, an Air Force Pilot, called her a Rock Star throughout her pregnancy. She displayed that same quality during her birthing process, and remained medication free for just over 12 hours. Her doctor told the nurse "that's the kind of birth I want for my baby". Keri's husband responded: "then he'll need to hire Susan." What a contented Baby, Brynn Estella was after her first breastfeeding. Awesome job Keri!!

Alison announced that she had low pain tolerance at the beginning of her Labor. But she spent 14 hours medication free, with intense contractions averaging 2 - 3 minutes apart. Her husband, a Marine Veteran, was a wonderful birth coach and proud Dad to baby Lila! Alison was so thankful to get the birth she wanted -- and said: "Susan, I couldn't have done it without you. You instinctively knew what to do and when to do it." Alison responded to her birthing time like an athletic champion and the midwives at SA Birthing Center were awesome!

Michelle had to be induced. Her husband David, drove 24 hours to make it for the birth induction; and arrived just in time. Pitocin was started at 6:30 PM that evening. Michelle labored until 8:30 AM the following morning without pain meds. David was so proud of her, while the Doctors and nurses were amazed at her composure. Michelle insisted she couldn’t have done it through the night without her Doula. David said, he hoped they were back in San Antonio for their next baby, so Susan can be with them again! Now he’s Back to the Army and Iraq!! Be Safe, David!

Meet Judah, Christina’s third baby. After much preparation, she utilized the Hypnobabies method -which included, eyes open as well as deep hypnosis, allowing her to walk, change positions, and drink without pain. She spent 10 hours medication free. Her Doctor and Nurse commented how they really liked this peaceful process with the soothing music and aromatherapy. Her husband
Aaron, an Air Force Fighter Pilot said that he and
their doula made a great team!

Hannah and Rebekah were born at Wilford Hall Medical Center . While I helped their Mom stay relaxed, Hannah was born first, then the Doctors
assisted 8 lb 4 oz Rebekah, the 2nd twin, who was born feet first, through the birth canal. She's the one with the American flag! Mom was thankful for the continuous emotional support. Aren't they just beautiful!

Sharon labored at home for 4 hours, then moved to NC Baptist Hospital to complete the birthing process. Her Doctor and nurses were very supportive of her desires and did everything to assure she had the birth she wanted. Her husband, a TX A&M Alum, provided double hip squeeze, counter pressure and a shoulder to lean on; and I provided information, accupressure, hydration and continuous physical and emotional support. She labored for an additional 3 hours and birthed her almost 9 lb baby without medication. She said: "It was everything I wanted, it was perfect. And I couldn't have done it without you, Susan."

Tabbetha and Rocco prepared for birth using the Bradley method. Although her membranes ruptured early and pitocin was needed to complete her birthing process, she did amazing in fulfilling her desires for a successful, birthing experience! She was able to labor for 15 hours without medication. Her husband, a Marine Veteran was an extremely supportive birth
coach! Both were thankful for the help of their Doula,
the Doctors and Nurses at Methodist Hospital!

Kara, an Air Force Radiologist was so grateful to receive the VBAC she had researched and prepared for with the help of her Doula, Susan and Husband, Michael. The birthing experience was extremely intense from the moment labor began. She was so appreciative of the continuous support and encouragement to keep her eyes on the goal!

Amanda, an Army wife and Law student, was so thankful for her successful VBAC! She said: altogether Dr. Allsup, the staff at the new Christus Santa Rosa Hospital, her husband, Chris and Doula were amazing. Chris said, he was so thankful they hired Susan. He wouldn't have known what to do and couldn't have done it so well without her help. Amanda was determined to endure a medication free
birth and accomplished just that!

Cathy, an Air Force Pulmonologist was so happy to receive the help of her husband, backup Doula, Susan, and the medical staff at WHMC. Her husband Eamon, a Navy Vet and Deputy Sheriff, said that he was so glad they had the foresight to hire a Doula. Together they agreed that they just wouldn't have known what to do considering their circumstances. They were so thankful that their
Doula stayed with them for the 25 hour labor, giving
them continuous support for the successful birth of
their baby boy. The room was so calm and peaceful,
one nurse who came in to check on her said, I wish I
could just stay here till my shift ends. Great job

Jennifer began her birthing time at home, then stopped, then started, then stopped again for 3 weeks. So when the day of her baby's birth arrived, she was a pro at comfort measures. She appreciated the support of her doula and husband, an Air Force B-52 Navigator. Walking, pelvic tilts, acupressure, birth ball, belly lifts and pelvic floor release helped move the baby in the anterior position for birth. She said: Thank you, Susan, you went
above and beyond in helping to achieve my
completely un-medicated birth at WHMC.

Indira, an ER Doctor was supported by her husband David, a Family Practice Doctor. She began dilating 3 weeks before her due date and because of low amniotic fluid was facing induction on that date. However, utilizing acupressure, walking, birth ball, and other natural induction methods, including prayer, she went into labor and delivered the morning of the scheduled induction. She wrote that Susan's suggestions...most likely shortened the labor process...She worked well with my husband and medical staff to help meet my needs and her encouragement during labor kept me focused. She helped create a relaxing atmosphere for my intervention free and completely unmedicated birth.

Nathalie and Steven, were surprised when her water broke at 5:20 AM. They quickly went to Metro Methodist for the birth. Pitosin was begun immediately. They were so thankful for the emotional, physical and informational support their Doula provided them. Together with their Doula’s and Nurse Mary’s support, Nathalie’s birthing time was only 8 hours. Mary said that she really enjoyed working with me and Natalie
enjoyed the peaceful atmostphere to birth her
baby girl, Kasandra.

Christina, a High School Math Teacher and wife of Chris an Army Special Agent, was thrilled to have the support of her Doula and Parents in the absence of her husband, who was serving in Iraq. She birthed her baby at Wilford Hall and remained medication free for 18 hours. She was so appreciative of the continuous support, relaxing atmosphere and encouragement throughout the long hours. She said: "Susan was very positive, and helped me stay calm and focused. She
also did a great job of getting both of my parents
involved - helping me to cope.
" Hurry back from Iraq, Chris!!!

Angie’s water broke at 4:30 AM. Her midwife, Christy, told her to rest at home until active labor. I joined her at home at 6 AM and worked to get her into a good labor pattern. At 4:30 PM we went to St Lukes Baptist. Abel , Angie’s husband worked all through the labor to provide counter pressure while I continued to suggest changes of position, acupressure and other natural induction methods. She enjoyed the shower during transition and delivered her baby boy at 3 AM the next morning with a completely medication (including pitocin) free birth. She was extremely thankful for my continuous support and encouragement.

Megan lost her first baby, Rain because of a condition known as Cholestasis. It did not flair up when she carried her second daughter, Serenity. But it came back again during her third pregnancy. So Megan was induced as soon as the baby’s lungs would allow. Megan was already 2 centimeters when the pitocin was started. She used all the natural comforts available to her in the Methodist hospital until an hour and half before the baby was born. Megan and Sal, the babies’ daddy, were glad to have the calm support and encouragement of their Doula and were totally thankful for the birth of their first baby boy, Tru. Megan invites you to Rain’s memorial website: http://rain-arizola.last-memories.com .
I am so proud of you Megan!

Diane’s Home Water Birth was everything she had hoped it would be, and more! She began her birthing process early in the morning; kept up her daily routines as much as possible for distraction until 8:30 PM when her husband, David , arrived home. After filling the water in the birthing tub, her midwife suggested she get in immediately. Diane birthed her beautiful 8lb 7oz baby girl, Shoshana, in the water three hours later. It was truly a serene and spiritual experience. David said he was so thankful for the help of his Doula. It was so hard to remember what he learned in their Bradley Class in the moment; the calm reminders were exactly what he needed to support his precious wife!

Psalm 139:13-14
For you formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well!